Functional Skills are not only a fundamental part of your Apprenticeship, Traineeship or Kickstart course, but also your day-to-day life!
All Apprenticeships include English and Maths functional skills which provide further development in everyday work related skills. Some Standards will also require the achievement of Functional Skills in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT).
According to a recent survey, 97% of apprentices felt that they had gained skills as a direct result of their apprenticeship. Here at NTA we're committed to providing you with those skills to prepare you for your future career.
See what Jack, our Learner Support Advisor, has to say about the importance of Functional Skills, and how and when to use the skills you've learned. Jack has been the focal point of Northern Training Academy's Functional Skills series on our YouTube Channel.
In the video below, he talks through the basic addition process.
The second addition video (below) focuses on using further skills to add larger numbers together.
Finally, Jack focuses on subtraction in the last video of the series. (below)